Sunday, October 13, 2019

Finding Your Inner Strength

Greetings Everyone! I am the host of today's mass and the Cleric of Cail's Temple, Kourika!

Today I would like give a sermon about something that I think everyone can achieve with time and self reflection, and that is "Finding your inner strength!"

Although I am a priest, I have stood beside Cail for over a Hundred Deochs! So I know that inner strength is different than what most people think. Most people like to show their show off their strength, but forget that true strength comes from the inside. Now I understand that Monks and their variants might get the upper hand when it comes to finding their inner strength. I will help those who do not know what comes natural!

Why do you think that Cail was able to prevail over Ceannliadir even though Ceannliadir took away his ability to wield a sword? Do you think Cail sulked? Do you think Cail just sat there and felt bad for his predicament? NO! He did not! He re-framed his mind! Instead of seeing this as a disaster, he saw it as a learning opportunity.

Through life experiences, even though it might seem horrible disaster, framer your mind so it can seem more like a challenge. Inner strength can keep you going when you are feeling down, and hopefully, just like Cail, you can find your Inner strength.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Ascension of Strom! The new Cailite Priest!

Welcome to the continuation of this double-moon's Cail Mass!

I would like to appreciate this time in Temuair, where new beginnings are all around us! Just like how a seedling can grow into a tree, it is time for an Acolyte to advance into a Priest! I would like to introduce my disciple Strom! This mass will be his debut into his priesthood into the Cail temple.Earlier today he has ascended into the ranks as a true Cailite Priest!

Thank you, Lady Kourika.

Greetings, Aislings of Temuair. I am Strom Vervain. Over there is my loving wife, Aveni Vervain.
We hail from.. well.. I will save that for a later time.. However, we did come for a purpose. For several Deochs, I stayed in our homeland. As the forest grew dark and the creatures grew restless.. I, too, grew restless. As night elves, we are very in tune with nature. We feel it's pain, we feel its sorrow. Something, somewhere is disturbing the balance in the world. However, I am not here to bring foreboding news. In fact, I would like to share a reflection I have absorbed in the recent moons that I've spent walking amongst you.

During my lifespan, while studying the habits of those who reside in Temuair, I had always read about the eight religions and how, at times, there were even wars between
two temples. I believe, in a recent History class, Gliocan Cleric Merisa Lightbelle shed some light on specifics disagreements. Upon venturing here myself, I have discovered the opposite
to reign true. We have several worshippers, and more, amongst us from several different Shrines - all of us with different beliefs and practices. This is what I would claim to be a common occurence in the
Deochs of late.I do not believe this is a happy accident. No. This sort of harmonization can't be of sheer chance, contrary to what the Fiosachdians would have you believe. I believe we gather at these Masses for a deeper meaning.

Something has loomed over Temuair, and I'm willing to bet many of us feel it within. The support shown in these masses is favorable to our future. We must continue to remain intact, arm-in-arm. We must understand one another, before being understood. And I believe this balance amoungst the Shrines of Temuair will soon reveal a blessing from Danaan herself.
 It is rumored the Shrine that resides in Hoige, now known as Blackstar Village, is an old Shrine to Danaan. Perhaps it will open soon. For now, let us bask in this harmony, continuing to respect one
 another. Today, I thank each of you.  And Cail thanks you, too.


Sunday, September 29, 2019

Appreciating the small things in life.

Welcome to my second Cail Mass!

I have decided to make Cail Masses a thing every double moon, I'm sure that some of you are excited to see the Cail Temple finally showing some activity. I myself, am happy to finally gaining some disciples within the temple! My three disciples so far are Valkana and Dextricus as my new Priest initiates. As well as Strom as their Acolyte senior, who was a monk and has just became a Priest on his own!

Now on to our topic for tonight! Appreciating the small things in life.
Some have asked why I decide to my mass sermons here at the fountains of Undine Village. In short!!!!! I am a traditionalist! Back When I was starting off as a Cailite our temple wasn’t covered in foliage and vines, Instead all temples looked the same, it was barren and covered in tiles. it made sense to do our mass out in nature. Even now I take inspiration from sitting near this fountain, many fond memories I have enjoyed of the past while I look upon this fountain even though the layout of the village changed over the years. The Temples and village layout has changed, but the fountain... the fountain has stayed the same.

Now everyone! Take off your shoes and feel the grass between your toes, breathe the fresh air that Undine has to provide, just take this time to feel the wind blow through your hair. A moment, that's all it takes! This moment seems to pass by quickly to some but to a Cailite we use to ground ourselves when we are stressed. We understand the troubles of this world, the daily grind to hunt, the endless battles of the arena, the toils of politics, the endless knowledge of the college and even participating in the troupe or from the mundanes. Take this time to center yourself and appreciate this one moment you have to yourself or maybe even someone by your side.


Sunday, September 22, 2019

Love, Wisdom, and the Balance that holds it together.

Welcome everyone that has decided to come to my Mass!

I am Kourika Kurasawa, Cleric of Cail. I know that it has been some shock to some that the High Clergy of Cail has came out of no where and decided to do this mass. With the encouragement of a wonderful aisling by name of Merisa, who is a Gliocian. I have decided to make this my 100th Deoch Anniversary Mass since I have last done a Cail Mass!

The Mass topic I have decided to do is Love, Wisdom, and the Balance that holds it together! We Cailites understand our God. We believe in what he stands for and what his existence means to us. even though his origin is unfortunate, Cail's perseverance and natural strength overcame his shortcomings from his father's restrictions.

I have been asked why Cail have allied with Glioca and Luathas. I can understand why someone might ask since the boards have been wiped, it is sad to see the writings of old be washed away..  *sighs* I am sad to see this, so I will say in the words I have been taught from teachers of past as well as friends. *takes out notes* Being Born of Glioca, The Goddess of Love and Compassion, one might wonder besides being his mother, why would she be an ally? Well it is simple my dear friend! You see just like how Glioca has love and compassion for all aislings, Cail has love and compassion for the world around us and the respect for the lives of us aislings

~An interruption~
allmightyfio: i always thought cail was suppose to be about ballanc
allmightyfio: that's why hes the child of love and war
Kourika: that his mother fought to save.
Kourika: Good question!
Kourika: He is the God of Balance and Nature!
Kourika: His father, Ceannliadir. Is our Lord's Opposite in
Kourika: the Octogram of the Gods.
Kourika: His Mother is an Ally.
Kourika: We were just talking about his Mother.

~Back to Mass~

What of Lauthas? Isn't it odd that the God of Knowledge would want to ally themselves to someone of Nature? *beams* Well I will share something that I personally believe in! Something that was passed down to me from a friend of mine. Divine knowledge helps to guide the hand of Cail and others to seek harmony within nature. Without the wisdom to understand the world around us, how can be truly be one with nature? With Love and Wisdom both guiding everyone around us can we appreciate what truly is important. To me that is Balance.

~An Introduction to Strom~
Kourika: Strom
Kourika: Yes?
Strom: Lady Kourika.
Strom: *bows*
Strom: Thank you.
Strom: I completely agree with, and apprecite, your words.
Strom: It elaborates on why Cail allies with those entities.
Strom: But I believe that obtain something from us as well,
Strom: and perhaps bridge a relation between Glioca to Luathas,
Strom: also.
Strom: Often times, we are often challenged with situations where
Strom: we have to decide on something..
Strom: something deep.
Strom: Perhaps it is something political..
Strom: perhaps it is a relationship with a close friend..
Strom: Often times, we are faced with deciding what we know to be
Strom: true and succumbing to our emotions, being compassionate
Strom: despite knowing it might be time to close that door.
Strom: Perhaps Cail, being the God of Balance, bridges this and
Strom: retains the power to balance that decision amongst life.
Strom: I do not know if this is true... but it has always been
Strom: an interesting notion to me.
Strom: I can apply this to something personal to myself..
Kourika: Hmm
Strom: My father and I..
Strom: while he is my father,
Strom: and I love him..
Strom: there is something I know to be true that he refuses to
Strom: see.
Strom: Do I give up on what I know to be the truth
Strom: or do I allow my love for him to blind me from this
Kourika: I see
Strom: gnosis?
Kourika: I believe in being being neutral
Kourika: *clears throat*
Strom: Thank you, Lady Kourika.
Kourika: Stand your ground
Kourika: Be firm, you have your life to live, not your father's
Kourika: You are your own person.
Kourika: understand?
Strom: I concur - I left home for Cail.. I cannot help but think
Strom: he plays a pivotal role in balancing knowledge and love, too

I will close this sermon. All of us seek something in this world, whether it be power, a sense of community, or even someone to love. What ever we seek, just know that you must seek inside yourself and find happiness within. For only when you are happy with yourself can you feel a sense of balance of everything around you.